Understanding Omaha Poker

Omaha poker is very much similar to another type of poker, the Texas Holdem. The player must also create a five-card poker hand both from the pocket cards and the community cards. A deck of 5-cards is used in this type of poker game.

About ten people can play the game.

Omaha poker, however, is different in the number of faced-down pocket cards that each player is given by the dealer. In Omaha, players are dealt with four cards as opposed to the two cards in Texas Holdem.

Still, players are given five community cards which they can use. This amounts to a total of nine cards that they can choose from when creating the best hand. However, players must use their two pocket cards and their three community cards in coming up with the best five-card hand. Because there are more cards to choose from, poker hands in Omaha Poker are stronger compared to other types of poker games.

Basically, Omaha poker can reach up to four rounds, provided that there are two players left to play and battle it out for the pot money. If everyone has folded, the game and the pot money of course goes to the last remaining player. During the first round of betting, the players are given four cards that are faced-down.

The dealer will then place three community cards at the center of the table, which the players can use for their hand. These cards are dealt with faced up. The next round, which is often called