The 3 Most Important Questions You Need To Ask If You Suffer With Sleeplessness Or Insomnia

If you are one of the 32 million adults in the UK who suffers with sleeplessness or insomnia then you must ask yourself these 3 questions and then read on to find out which treatment will help you.

3 Critical Questions About Your Insomnia:

1) What type of insomnia do you suffer with?

Insomnia and sleeplessness can be either transient (temporary) or chronic, read below and decide which type you have:

Transient:- Usually lasts less than 4 weeks and is often caused by stress, a brief illness, travelling or temporary pain.

Chronic:- You will have suffered for more than one month and maybe several months or even years. Chronic insomnia can be caused by long term illness, chronic pain, depression and old age.

2) What treatments are available for sleeplessness and insomnia? Essentially there are 6 common treatments for insomnia and sleeplessness; some have proven more beneficial than others. If you have transient (temporary) insomnia you most likely wont need any treatment as your sleep pattern should return to normal by itself.

However, if your insomnia is chronic you will almost certainly require one of the following treatments:

i) Conventional sleeping tablets from your doctor. Most doctors prescribe a range of drugs called hypnotics (benzodiazepines) for the treatment of chronic insomnia. The action of these drugs is to calm the nervous system.

They have shown limited success in treating insomnia. The main drawbacks are that they are not effective for more than a short period of time (a few weeks) and they are very addictive. As if that