Proper Care For Diamond Pendants Preserves And Beautifies

When you have a diamond pendant in your armoire that would take your breath away, then you will have to give some consideration to taking care of that diamond. There are many aspects to the care of a wonderful diamond pendant. It is a big investment therefore it needs extra care. You want this diamond to last a lifetime and while diamonds are the hardest compound on earth they still need lots of tender, loving care.

When you clean your diamond pendants there are special ways to do this. Pendants can get dirty from day to day wear, so you must clean them periodically. Even oils from the skin can affect your pendant. There are a few ways to take care of this properly, such as giving them a mild soap bath. Use a soft brush to wash away the loose particles, but be careful to do this as far away from the sink as possible. It is a known fact that sinks love jewelry and this is one sure way of losing your pendant.

Another way to clean your diamond pendant is to soak it in a solution of half ammonia and half cold water. Leave it in the soak in the water for about a half an hour. You will still have to use a bristle brush to clean it, but remember you can scratch diamonds so be very careful with the brushing. There are also some fantastic cleaners on the market for diamonds and this might be more to your taste to purchase some of these. All you have to do is follow the instructions, but you have to be careful you don