Improving Meditation

If you have ten years to sit at the bottom of a dark cave you can really master meditation. Short of that you could enroll in a monastery and devote your life to contemplation. Perhaps you would rather move to India and become a yogi?

For a long time such extreme techniques and lifestyle changes have been the only way to really do what we have wanted in regards to psychic power and ability. Even if you are willing to do it though, it has been kind of hard to find someone you can trust to push food through the little slot in the door each day or pay for the plane ticket.

Most people have an innate feeling that if they could just concentrate a little harder, go just a little deeper into their own minds, they would be able to unleash incredible power. All reliable reports say that they are right to believe this. Most people also find it hard to set aside an hour for meditation, never mind ten years.

Here is a simple method that can take the place of that ten year journey inside yourself. You still have to pay attention and use discipline to get where you wish to be, but you will speed things up several hundreds times, reaching levels of meditation that many have thought could not be reached at all and certainly not by city dwelling folk like most of us!

The concept here is a bit circular. You use what meditative skills you have to generate a psychic field, which will carry your mind into a deeper and more focused state. In that deeper state you reinforce the psychic field, which will drive you deeper still.

When you reach the state you wish you simply set the psychic field to resonate with that level of thought and you will easily maintain your place.

I am not suggesting that anyone give up their meditative practices and move to only this technique. Think of this as more of a tool to help you speed up your progress, rather than a complete program. After all, no single tool will ever replace self-discipline for getting things done. It also never hurts to give new skills an honest try, if you wish to perform at a higher level.

Some of these steps will take a little work to perfect, but don