How To Buy A Diamond Engagement Ring

The day is here you have decided you want to ask her to marry you, but first you have to get the engagement ring. You have never invested so much money before, and your worried because you have no idea what you are doing. There are some simple rules when buying an engagement ring some are very easy to learn and others will take a little bit of time educating yourself on the subject at hand. Lets begin with the most important question the one that all of you should ask yourself before you start.

How much to spend?

Spend what ever you want, and what you can afford. Why am I saying this? There is the standard rule out there that you have to spend two months salary on your diamond engagement ring I do not take to this rule of thought spend only what you can afford.

Know what she likes:

Have you looked at her jewelry to see if she is wearing white gold or yellow gold, does she prefer "platinum"? If you do not know you should take the time to find out you look at her hands see her bracelets, her earrings, necklaces what color gold are they. If she does not wear any jewelry then you might just have to come out and ask her what she likes.

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