Oh! God My Computer is Dead

One morning you got up as usual and just took your morning coffee as usual. You thought, it is time to check for new e-mails and latest news on your PC (Personal Computer). You went to your room and tried to switch it ON as usual, but hey what's that nothing happens. It just shows some Blah! Blah! booting and after that it again restarts. The process keeps on repeating, till you switch the UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) OFF!

You ask yourself what's that, is it a nightmare or reality? In 90% cases it is a reality. Now you are thinking what could be the reason behind this trouble. Suddenly something struck to your mind, you remember an e-mail yesterday, with some strange material attached to it and Jesus! you downloaded it.

So, the problem may be some sort of computer virus or spyware which is already inside your computer. Now, only option you got is to call your local Computer Service Engineer and shed precious dollars; your hard earned money.

Do not worry it is just a imaginative story narrated by me, but it could become a reality in your life if you do not take necessary steps to safeguard your PC from these threats.

It is always better to be proactive than to be defensive later, against these malicious objects.

Always try to use some good anti-virus or good firewall to prevent your computer from the virus attacks.

Try to avoid sharing of floppies with each other, as it may pass on the viruses to other computers. Also try to avoid downloading of attachments from strangers.

Take Care,
Cyber Force is always YOU!

http://www.cyberforce.info specializes in Computer Technology and other Articles.

Author's Educational Achievements
1)Masters in Business with Specialization in Marketing and Information Technology
2)Bachelors in Electronic Science