13 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

We've all seen the folks that are able to eat anything they want and not gain a pound, and despite our protests we do feel a tinge of jealousy. Blame it on the metabolism, they always say . . . but how is it that some metabolisms race like they're winning the Kentucky Derby while others refuse to get out of the easy chair regardless of our efforts to boost them? If you are privileged enough to be blessed with a metabolism that works at snail speed, a few tips might give it the little kick it needs.

Resting metabolic rate, also basal metabolic rate, is the number of calories you would burn in a day without any activity at all and accounts for about two-thirds of energy expended every day. Boosting this rate will help to improve how quickly you burn calories and lose weight.

1) Eat more frequently

Ensures that your metabolism doesn't slow down between meals to conserve energy

2) Consume more protein

Helps you to use more energy while resting. Protein increases your resting metabolic rate by as much as 2 to 3 times. It also helps to stabilizie the insulin secreted into your bloodstream, a process that has an effect on metabolism. Requires 25% more energy to digest. Jeff Hampl, PhD, RD, and spokesman for the American Dietetic Association: "Protein is made up mainly of amino acids, which are harder for your body to break down [than fat and carbs], so you burn more calories getting rid of them."

3) Hot peppers

Hot peppers temporarily increase your metabolic rate and also help you to feel more full so you eat less. They are thought to raise metabolism by up to 50% for three hours after eating, because they increase the heart rate.

4) Strength training

Every pound of muscle gained, extra 35-50 calories burned a day. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat or bone.

5) Avoid dieting

Dieting forces the body into starvation mode which slows down the metabolism to conserve energy and calories.

6) Supplement with a good multi-vitamin

Metabolism is made up of many chemical reactions that are made more efficient with proper nutrient intake.

7) Eat breakfast

It's very important to eat a solid breakfast each morning to get your metabolism started after the night-long fast--otherwise, it will stay slow all day.

8) Get those ZZZs

Sleep deprivation slows down your metabolism because your body tries to conserve your energy

9) Turn down the thermostat

Research shows that being cold can increase your metabolism by up to 20%

10) Drink water

All body processes need it to function properly, including metabolism

11) Evening walk

Metabolism naturally slows down at night...walking increases it and may keep it up for two to three hours

12) Fidget

Every little bit of movement helps! If you are stuck at a desk all day, fidgeting helps to burn more calories than merely sitting.

13) Incorporate cardio

An intense cardio workout will elevate your metabolic rate for several hours after you finish.

Brianna Stanley owns and operates a successful alternative health company. To find out more about her products and how she can help you, or to sign up for a free health secrets newsletter, visit http://www.thepainfreepage.com