Each Change Has Its Most Preferable Tactic

Think about the situation where your company is receiving more phone calls than it can handle, not for one day but every day for weeks, the customers and prospects are waiting minutes of valuable time. They will loose their patience. And your company is loosing even more...

You can solve a mathematical problem ending up with a solution. If your organization is facing a change, than the problem solving equation is more complex... And you are there in front of a decision to take...

It is possible to focus more on the problem part or more on the solutions side. In the last case the management sets the direction (for the solution). You can do this if you are not in entering new territories, although even then.

The idea behind this tactic is that you know that the problem you face has been dealt with by others in previous situation. So the question is; how unique is our situation? Or, more important; how unique do we want to organize our business? This (solutions oriented) approach will give you the costs and time benefits, but the third resource aspect -- the function or quality -- is taken for granted. You start a cut and dried implementation and (the) problems are solved down the road.

Yet the disadvantage of this way of handling change is that you will face more resistance than you have calculated. If your new strategic line is that you want to go for market solutions (because that