There are Many Benefits in Joining a Writer's Group

Starting out in the writing industry can become quite a challenge. There are many ways to get published. You must first decide what you want to write. Perhaps you are a writer of fiction, nonfiction, articles, or opinions. It really doesn't matter what you write. You just have to get the "in," from someone.

One way to do this is to submit your manuscripts to publishers, agents, or newspapers depending on what you are writing. I have found from my experiences, that knowledge is only good as the source it comes from. You shouldn't take advice from an expert newspaper columnist if you are seeking to get a book of poems published.

Most people are experts in a certain field. Hardly ever, is a person an expert in many fields. If they claim to be, you should run from them. It just isn't feasible to hold extensive knowledge in many areas. That's why many successful people study for one career and not three. It just makes sense.

A good way for a novice writer to learn more about the publishing industry is to join a writer's group. There are many across the country and some are even international. I know that some groups hold conferences, book signings, clinics, and writing exercises. One could learn much knowledge from the experienced authors who belong to these groups. They are usually very generous in offering help to a "newbie." Many enjoy helping, that's why alot of them join. is an international group of authors that are seeking to advance in the writing industry. They do hold National book signings and the things that I mentioned above.

No matter what group you ultimately decide to join, it should be an enjoyable experience. The more that you expect from the group, the better off you will be. Ask questions and seek answers. Doing this, will give you an edge in the writing industry.

Jeffery S. Miller is the author of Higgins: An American Story. Miller invites you to visit his website Jeffery S. Miller is a published author, national award winner, former talk show host, inventor and retired professional wrestler.