Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres:

It is likely that Jean Lafitte went to an area of Mexico near Cancun after he left Galveston to the likes of Thomas House and his sons including Col. House who ran Woodrow Wilson through the use of possession techniques and his gift as the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. I can well imagine that this kind of talk falls on deaf ears generally. I hope the ignorant brainwashed people get a good laugh as they continue to be abused in all the ways the elite have used them including putting them to work as cannon or sword fodder while taxing them to death. I partied on Isla Mujeres and went there on the boat if I can remember through the drunken haze of that event. I am near to certain that all of the Lafittes were engaged in miscegenation of the races and I know this program goes a lot further than simple race mixing. In fact the black people have some attributes and genetic knowledge about spiritual things that these people were especially attracted to. The very name Isla Mujeres itself is a lot like the name for the Antilles as they call them the Virgin Islands with their tongue well situated inside their cheeks.

The miscegenation or mixing of the races which lead to Creoles galore in the Caribbean or on the plantations of the esoteric elite like Jefferson, was a middle of the road approach in racism. In the case of Golden Circle (FOGC) people like John Hunt Morgan I think I have presented how much they valued their Creole partners in sex a great deal. Clearly Josephine Beauharnais like Sally Hemmings is an interesting study in these matters. I cannot explain the way these rituals transferred knowledge but if you read Gardner