There is Attitude and Attitude

Attitude has a lot to do with how our life goes. We win the lottery
and we are happy or we lose our jobs and we are angry. However does it have to be that way we can decide how to feel about anything that
happens it all depends on your attitude.
You are responsible for all your experiences in life. We cannot control what happens to us for their are many other co-creators of life out there creating but we can control how we react to what happens to us.
Our attitude does have a great affect and can make a huge difference when dealing with our day-to-day experiences.
By changing our attitudes and beliefs we can create a new life. We will learn to perceive the same events, behaviors and phenomena differently so as to experience greater peace and more positive emotions. When I first realized the power of my attitude one thing hit me, If I wanted to change my life I would first have to change my attitude.

Let me give you my definition of attitude. Simply, attitude is your perception of life. It