One Thing Most People Don't Know About Stresses And Worries

Human beings will worry away at a problem in much the same way as a dog behaves with a bone.

If a dog keeps its jaws firmly clamped around a bone it is because there is always another dog, or human killjoy, hovering, waiting for their moment to steal it.

Where your stresses, anxieties worries and hurts are concerned, nobody is going to do that to you.

Curiously, human beings act as if there is something to be gained by turning their stresses and worries etc. over and over again in their mind, and keeping a weather eye on them at all times - like they're going to run off somewhere, if you don't.

Well, the fact of the matter is, there's no chance of that. Stresses and anxieties and worries and hurts are grotesque creatures. They have huge, bloated bodies and two teenie weenie, spindly legs. They can't go far and they certainly can't go fast.

But because they don't want us to realise that, they tend to be very big on the social graces. Biddable is their middle name. Their manners hark back to a bygone age.

You only have to say to them: "I say, old chum, would you mind if I just tether you to that post over there for 15 minutes while I take time out to smell the roses?