The Work at Home Dynasty

Work at home; earn the same wage without the commute. This sounds like a very exiting and new prospect for some. For others, this has been inevitability for the past ten to twentyyears.

Why now?
Very simply, the reason for the change in the way people work is down to the ease of communication that comes with development in new technology. I am referring by the way, to e-mails, cell phones and the Internet. This is obvious but has anyone really considered the future effects of this new age? What about the economy? If nobody goes out in the mornings, what happens to the high street shops and services that depend on commuters? I'm talking about the coffee shops, the paper shops, and the taxies. What happens is unemployment and an unbalanced economy. This issue is not getting the attention it deserves. When will this be realized by the majority of people?

Where does the solution lie?
So if this is to be the case, the better general quality of life for the benefactors, shouldn't be without a conscience. There is of course, the moral obligation of the general population. If people are no longer having commute to work and therefore pay for certain services, one should be conscious of their responsibility to in some way find an alternative means of contributing to society.

Who do you think you are?
Who is to blame? Should there be any fingers pointed? Is this a disaster or a great revelation? The fact is this is nobodies fault. The people working at home now are doing so because of increasing demands for fast, effective and efficient results. Letters are sent in seconds rather than days, conferences can be held over the Internet, share dealing occurs instantly and surprisingly, because they are already at home, people spend longer working. So the reality is that this amazing productivity is boosting the economy to incredible strength.

Can anyone work from home?
The opportunity to work at home has never been greater than today and it is becoming more so. There are countless ways to earn a living from home. These most commonly include special arrangements between an employer and staff to use your own home as an office. This is a safe way to go because of the financial security of a wage and certain benefits like pension schemes or health insurance.There are more rewarding opportunities such as online business and owning your own internet business etc. and these can really pay dividends but come without the security of firm employment.

If you are interested in working at home, here are some great websites: