
Nowadays, we all like to see ourselves as being successful, famous, good-looking and rich, but what gave us this view of life? When TV was first invented, there weren't many channels, therefore, there weren't many actors etc. However, as the channels grew, so did the fame. People believe it is a novelty to be on TV, therefore, they think that the way to be famous is to copy a celebrity as they must have done something correctly in order to become this popular.

More and more people use celebrities to be their role models, however, if they are so busy trying to be a clone of their ideal role model, when will they have to time to actually be themselves?

We all want to look like a supermodel, however, the cult of celebrity is ruining today's society. This issue is very serious as people of today become stressed, depressed and keep trying to stick to a diet they know they are going to eventually give up on.

Whatever happened to children playing on the streets, inventing their own games, not growing up too fast? They became addicted to TV, magazines and the radio where they try to become a celebrity. What happened to people adoring the queen? Now, footballers are the royalty of the 21st century. Are they famous because they earn a lot of money for kicking a ball around? Personally, I believe we pay too much attention to celebrities. We don't have time to be ourselves.

As the generations grow people forget there are more things in life than money and fame- it's the 'little people' who keep the country moving. These people are 'little' but they make a big difference to the world, even more than a celebrity does. In my opinion, people should keep a 'little' person as a role model and leave the celebrities out of their minds. Therefore, at least the children of today will help the country instead of kicking a ball around or goin to do plastic surgery with all the money they earn. When you're rich and famous money can buy you everything, and soon, these things don't make you happy anymore, meaning you have to buy bigger and better things to make you happy. Eventually, you will reach the point where you've got the biggest and best of everything, then what do you turn to in order to gain happiness? Drugs?

Have you noticed that soon the majority of celebrities turn to drugs? Your children's heroes are addicts without even knowing it, yet, once these celebrities reach this stage, it gets printed on the front page of every newspaper. Do you really want your children cloning themselves as celebrities? I certainly don't.

So, for now, I believe we should give our children all the healthy food they need instead of letting them go on diets. We'll also give them a book, not a magazine and a toy, not make-up. Then we'll see how these 'little people' grow up to be a celebrity of their own.

Hello, my name is Sanjeela Pahl. I am 16 years old and I want to become a journalist when I am older. This is the first article I have written so I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave comments.