Ergonomic Awareness has become an Important Factor for Employers and Employees

Thanks to Wojciech Jestrzebowski, a Polish scholar, who introduced the term Ergonomics back in 1857 we know more about how we can incorporate the use of equipment to help with some of the daunting work duties that may take its toll on our bodies in the long term. It has only been in the recent years that companies have taken notice and have implemented ergonomic equipment in the work place. Thanks to these employers we can now lead a healthier, happier life with less body pains and strains than before.

Computer work stations have advanced significantly throughout the years as people sit at them more and more. The incorporation of a good ergonomic chair and ergonomic computer work station can be a heaven sent for those who are lucky enough to have one. Repetitive motion is one of the larger concerns when it comes to computer users.

The repetitive motion disorders develop because of microscopic tears in the tissue. When the body is unable to repair the tears in the tissue as fast as they are being made, inflammation occurs, leading to the sensation of pain. Repetitive motion injuries are among the most common injuries in the USA. Thankfully there are ergonomic solutions that can aid with many of the repetitive motion jobs that we face in the work place.

Pushing or pulling wheeled loads has also taken a turn in the ergonomic lime light in recent years. With more and more published articles and proven methods on how we can push or pull more effectively. And with equipment like the Cart Mule