Living Authentically in a Masked World

Humanity seems to be the only species that never seems
pleased with its own. People tend to spend the majority of
their life living up to an illusion that no one has ever
been able to attain. It is the illusion of perfection. The
problem is, that is a course that is marked with failure and
pain. Someone came up with the concept that people should be
wafting through the fields picking lilies and singing songs
of the angels. If you stay on this course you will never
measure up. You were not meant to.

There are too many people walking around under condemnation
by this illusion. They feel they have failed at the game of
life. It is not true. You have not failed. You cannot fail
at something that is unattainable. Instead, you should be
pleased that you got as far as you did. There are many that
check out of this life because they refuse to fail at
anything. Lets talk about how you can live authentically
with the life you have.

One, you must make the decision to live in the moment. We
have too many who are living in the past, with its mistakes,
or in the future, with its uncertainties. In order for you
to be authentic, you are going to have to take the
proverbial bull by the horn and live in the here and now. We
all know that we cannot change the past, yet many of us have
set up camp there in hopes that we can make sense of it.
Then there is the other group that is off to a time that