Avian Bird Flu or H5N1 Virus - A Naturopathic Approach to Virus Protection

Bird Flu in the News

With disquieting news of the continuing spread of bird flu and more human victims, there is increasing concern that this illness, caused by the Avian Influenza virus H5N1, could spread even to parts of the world so far unaffected. Many people are already at risk and many more potentially vulnerable, so we focus here on bird flu and some natural prevention and treatment options.

What is a Virus?

A virus is a minute infectious agent consisting of a nucleic acid core with a protein shell (or capsid) which is often multilayered (covered) with fats. This capsid shell is an impenetrable obstacle for many herbs and drugs, including antibiotics, which are therefore no use against viral infections. Certain herbs can penetrate or break down the capsid and these are the herbs we refer to as anti-viral herbs.

The Effects of Viruses

Viruses vary greatly in their effect on the body. The common cold, for example, is an acute, short-lived viral infection which usually produces mucous in the throat and sinuses. To take an example at the other extreme, the polio virus can produce serious symptoms and can lead to paralysis.

Viral infections usually manifest symptoms like fever, generalized aches, chills, fatigue as well as typical symptoms for each specific virus. The particular strain of flu known as bird flu, avian flu or H5N1 has the symptoms mentioned above of high fever and fatigue, as well as specifically attacking the respiratory system and thus the lungs and the oxygenation of cells.

Of the hundreds of different viruses that may potentially affect humans, some have the ability to mutate. A specific anti-viral drug may be successful against a virus for a period of time but, once the virus it is treating mutates, the drug will no longer be effective.

For example, the flu virus mutates quite quickly, which explains why a