Statistics of Probability Should Not Be Used to Prove Something Does Not Exist

Have you ever heard someone say; the chances of that happening are one million to one, it is just not possible. Yet, we know for a fact that the chances of winning the lottery are indeed one million to one. But we know someone will win, they always do, that is how it works. So often, we hear people attempt to prove that something is impossible using mathematical statistics, probability if you will.

For instance the chance of life, that is to say complex life in a human form within the Milky Way has been quoted as one million to one. Yet, here we sit today, alive and well on this pale blue dot. So statistically speaking humans cannot possibly exist, right! But since we do you here we are, obviously those statistics don't mean a damn thing.

Recently someone in an online think tank stated that statistically the chances of life on Mars, that is to say complex life, as we already know there is some life; you statistically impossible. I completely disagree, as a matter of fact if you will recall the famous line in Jurassic Park, with the scientists said;