Arizona Bingo

Arizona Bingo does not have as long and as storied a history as other states. Arizona and its Indian tribes just got on the same page in the last ten to fifteen years. Of course, non-profit games have existed in Arizona for decades. Churches and veterans groups have run games to fund charities throughout that time. But the state of Arizona has only seen revenues off of bingo since 1993. Since that time, the Indian casinos have brought Arizona millions in revenues.

Arizona follows a national trend. State legislators, constantly looking for new sources of revenue, have decided in the last couple of decades to sanction games of chance and take a slice of the profits. Most states look to the Indian casinos, which have any federal protections, to skirt around state and local anti-gambling laws. States usually can only draw a small percentage of the profits, usually around 1% to 2%. Since casinos gross millions in earnings a year, it is worthwhile for states to take the time and trouble to set up bureaus to oversee the gaming industry.

The legislators of Arizona created the State Gaming Industry in 1993. After yearlong negotiations with the statewide Indian tribes, this agency came to a compact with sixteen different Indian tribes. Ten Arizona Indian casinos were in operation by the end of 1994.

That number has risen to 22 in the years since. 14 casinos offer bingo tables. All in all, you can find 6,950 Bingo tables at Indian casinos across the state of Arizona. Taking a low standard cut of the proceeds, Arizona sees just under $300,000 per year in revenues from bingo games alone. Last year, the total came to $292,500.

The gambling compact between the Arizona State Gaming Agency and the Arizona Indian tribes is a good deal for both sides. But this new era (of gambling compacts between states and Indian tribes) is in its infancy. We truly are seeing a trial-and-error approach to gambling laws across America. With the wildcard of the internet thrown into the mix--and with millions of dollars in potential revenues for states like Arizona--we will see laws tested out in legislatures and federal courts in the years to come.

The author is also a noted chess and backgammon commentator. If you want to read about bingo in more American states, visit a directory of bingo sites at USA Bingo, or take a look at the same site through the Arizona page at Arizona Bingo.