Meditation also gave me something else

I'm passionate about meditation and its benefits, anyone who knows me can attest to that. It's so much part of my makeup that I really can't imagine living my life without it and I give it a plug whenever an opportunity arises.

Some of the greatest benefits for me have been my ability to tap into 'my well of inner peace' whenever I need to, my connection with, and to, spirit, achievement of greater clarity and balance at the end of each session, and overall wellbeing.

Meditation also gave me something else.
The meditation journey for me involved profound inner change as I stepped into enlightenment. Once that door opened for me, well that was it! No turning back...ever - something which no-one ever told me.

Enlightenment, for me, is such a strange thing, and of course is many things to many people. When I stepped into this state of being, I waited for the whiz bang fireworks to begin, hear the blaring trumpets and the voice of God (which I imagined would be kind of booming and earth shattering!). I