Web Designer: Professional vs. Amateur

There are as many "For Business" amateur web designers as there are professional ones. This article will help you weed them out in no time. First and foremost a professional web designer provides the following services to their client:

What an amateur web designer offers their client:

There is also a distinct difference in how a professional web designer advertises their business as compared to an amateur. A professional designer ...

One sure thing about a professional web designer is that they get the right type of client that needs and wants their services. Amateurs will take anyone. To be perfectly blunt ... professional web designers have no competition. There's not even the slightest competition with online companies that offer web building tools or web site generators. Why? One look at at a site built by a non-skilled individual using such tools will convince you.

So, when you decide to look for a web designer that can design you the site of your dreams ... well perhaps after reading this ... you'll have some criteria to work with when finding that PROFESSIONAL. Knowledge is not only power, but can also point you in the RIGHT direction!!!!

Linda Jean Runstein is a business consultant & web designer, she has served a wide-range of businesses and non-profits over the years. Her client's are known to call on her for advice long after she completes consulting engagements, due to her ability to understand their business in great depth and map both technical and operational solutions to fit their needs. This unparalleled ability comes from a broad knowledge of both the Internet technological world she works in and her clients' individual industries. You can vist her web site at http://www.troubleshooterconsulting.com.