Do You Know in Advance; What You Seem to Innately Know by Chance?

Have you ever learned something new and then within hours or days find that, that information was exactly the information you needed. Do you ever wonder how you come across such information on such timely basis? Some people call this the holistic universe; perhaps that is a good term. As we learn more about quantum computing it would make sense that the mind may in fact work through time, space and dimension.

Currently if you talk about such things, some may say; you're nuts! And maybe you are, maybe we all are, however either way I know that I am not alone in such circumstances. Indeed, if you were still reading this, then this is also something that happens to you. Scientists cannot explain why this works or how it works; some say it is a matter of false memory, and that even if you didn't have the information, you would still have the potential eventuality of the circumstance or events. This is a good point, however in my estimation it does not account for the rapid and often occurrence that such events take place.

So, while science is busy trying to disprove something we all know and feel; wouldn