The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient exercise, which was originated in India 5,000 years ago. Yoga is an applied science of the body and mind. Practicing yoga creates a balance between the body and mind. Yoga helps in internal as well as external strength. It balances the yin and yang. Yoga teaches about healthy body and healthy mind. Good health means calm mind.

When a person does not succeeds in life, he starts taking alcohol etc and he might not be happy and starts thinking about life very deeply. There comes yoga where the balance between mind, body and soul is established. Yoga was developed thousands of years ago by yogis.

There are thousands of yoga asanas (exercises) and each has its own significance. Yoga can be done in the morning or in the evening. A trained instructor is required to teach the person. There are various breathing exercises, which help in relaxing the whole body. There are many standing exercises, deep breathing exercises and exercises, which are done sitting and lying flat.

There are many yoga institutes in US. There are various types of yoga, like kundalini yoga, hatha yoga etc. People with diseases and pain, whether it is migraine or arthritis yoga can help in healing. By doing yoga the body