Public Relations and NASA Budget Cuts

Many Federal Agencies are faced with budget cuts and we saw budget cuts have been in use a lot lately. At NASA it is no exception and indeed they have a public relations situation on her hands. And they are under the gun to perform in each and every one of their endeavors. If for instance they lose a Mars robotic system, which is happened in the past they could lose credibility with the American people.

NASA has made deep budget cuts in order to fulfill their mission to the moon and Mars. In less than a decade from now we will be setting up a colony on the moon and be planning a manned mission to Mars. That is a lofty goal for mankind in one, which the United States of America understands it is committed to. Of course Congress cannot further cut the space program and expect these missions to be fulfilled, meanwhile countries like Japan, China, UAE and the UK all have their sites on the same goal. Who will get their first? Will the United States be able to maintain its leading edge in space technologies?

Does the United States and her people have the will to win the space race or will political infighting and social problems take the bulk of the monies needed to win the space race? We as a nation do to ourselves to be the first, and the best because that is what America is in that is what America stands for. We are good sportsman indeed, but second-place, well that isn