Stre-e-e-etch Your Imagination

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge
is limited to all we now know and understand, while
imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever
will be to know and understand."

Albert Einstein, Physicist, 1879-1955

This one quote alone is a pretty compelling reason to learn
how to turn our imaginative genius loose.

All of us have a fairly vivid imagination, but
unfortunately, we do not control it. It controls us. It
runs willy-nilly on its own, painting pictures in our minds
of things that we do NOT want to materialize.

What's even more alarming is the fact that the same reel of
pictures keeps playing over and over again. There are
statistics that indicate that of the many thousands of
thoughts that we have in the course of a single day, the
vast majority of them are the same old, tired out,
uninspired thoughts that we had earlier in the day, and the
day before, and the day before that, ad nauseum.

Here are some simple visualization exercises that will help
you train your imagination to flex its muscles. You can
perform these anytime, anywhere, and in just a matter of

Exercise 1 - Color Me Beautiful

Focus on any object in your immediate vicinity. Mentally
change its color. Some people try to be too literal-minded
about this and claim that they cannot