The Illusion of Lust

Lust is the result of an illusion. Lust is the desire to possess that which is seen as separate. This separateness is an illusion, for we are all ONE. So if we can see the one-ness beyond the veils of separation, then lust becomes superfluous.

In a state of one-ness, there is no desire to possess something (or someone) outside of us, for everything is already part of us. We already own everything as our creation. In ONE-ness, we will find that the very act of trying to possess something is an assault on that something's energy. Possessing will be replaced by allowing. Instead of lusting after wealth or fame or power or sexual partners, we allow that to be magnetized to us which reflects the vibrational state we are in. If that vibrational state is one of love, joy, and beauty, then there is no limit to what we can manifest. (What will be reflected back to us.) If that vibrational state is one of lust, then we will be forever looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment. We cannot find fulfillment outside of ourselves if we haven't found it within ourselves. Once we realize our own divinity, we are in complete possession of our reality.

Lust is an emotion and is therefore chemical. Every time the emotion of lust is felt lust pheromones are released from the body. These pheromones go out and search for people or things to possess, and lead you to them. When you are in a chemical state, you need a reaction to your reactions--you need someone or something outside of yourself to complete that chemical circuitry.

In a state of one-ness, you are operating in an electrical circuitry. The energy comes through you and goes out and electrifies everything without needing a complement to the circuit. It's one way. It is a matter of allowing that electrical energy through you. Lusting jams the energy flow, throwing you into a chemical circuitry.

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