5 Tips on How to Deal With Chronic Stress

The constant pressure of anxiety is the feeling of not being in control of your environment. This removes the safety net of security because you believe that you are constantly in danger. The danger-feeling that you experience can be either physical danger or emotional danger, such as in the case of public humiliation or embarrassment.

5 Tips on Dealing With Chronic Stress

Exercise Regularly

Think of stress as pure energy inside your body that is building pressure inside of you with no where to go. Eventually, if you allow this energy to build up enough, it will explode out of you in the form of an emotional outburst. Physical activities such as walking, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, racquetball, dancing, biking, or sports serve as a outlet to vent that stored energy out of your body and lower that pressure within you, thus removing the potential for an explosion to happen. Exercise is by far the most effective method of relieving stress and a regular exercise routine should be incorporated into you