The Dawn of Mind

Maybe it happened at dawn on a morning long lost down the dim corridor of the human past. Possibly it was at sunset as a swollen sun plunged that pristine world into a crimson haze. It certainly was not during the heat of battle or the struggle of daily survival, that man first knew. Only a moment free from danger and strife, when the mind could drop it's worldly shackles, could have sufficed as the moment for that first spark of awareness to bloom. In that instant the creature gazed on creation and for the first time man and universe stood face to face.


Awareness, what is it? How did it happen and where will it lead us? Long centuries have past since this question first plagued the human mind and still we do not have the answer. This much we do know; humans are unique among earths many forms of life. This exulted position is the gift of an advanced brain, a biological machine so complex that it parallels the universe from which it was spawned. It is the reproductive effort of earth and cosmos culminating over the millennia in a life form that shares the attributes of both yet is capable of independent existence.

The human mind can step back and perceive the universe as something apart from itself. This is why we are unique among all the other forms of life that inhabit this planet. This is awareness, the human mind stepping from the background of time and space onto the stage of its own independent existence. Never again would our destiny need to follow the path of a leaf in a storm. Now that we had eyes that could truly see we could begin to decide our own destiny. We could choose the paths we follow through this life.

The Cosmos and Us

Free of the blinding effects of emotion and genetics the mind can perceive the universe from a new perspective. We can span the cosmos with our thoughts and travel faster than the speed of light in our imagination and our dreams. This alone makes us unique. We are the children of this universe, a fusion of time and space. The control of our destiny is in our own hands. We are not the spawn of some lesser god, we are gods in the making.

Eugene DeFazzio - EzineArticles Expert Author

Gene DeFazzio is the author and webmaster of (