Excellent May Gardening Tips

May in Southwestern New Mexico & west Texas can be hot, dry and/or windy. Take precautions to make sure all watering systems are working at their best.

Use Cypress mulch to help keep roots insulated from the HOT sun. This helps keep moisture in the root zone as well as the keeping weeds down to a minimum.

Lantana, red bird of paradise, Oleander, and other winter damaged plants may be emerging at this time. Do NOT remove them permaturely. These plants will emerge if watered occasionally during winter.

Crape Myrtle will begin to show flower buds at this time and will need regular watering when flowers begin to develop. They like fertilzing and resist "leaf burn" if given a soil acidifying product such as Ironite in conjuction with a regular fertilizer. Remove faded flower tips reguarly.

Planting during this month is still successfull. The Vitex, oleander, crape myrtle, roses, bird of paradise, texas sage, butterfuly bush, red yucca and most "xeriscaping" plants will thrive when planted during this month. Be sure to water thoroughly when first planted.

Trees will also fall into this category. Just follow the directions as noted above. All ash, mesquite, desert willow (timeless beauty is a new variety), Chitalpa, Palo Verde, Live Oak, Chinese Pitache, and many more. Call us at 505 523 1520 for availabilty.

Be sure to fertilize your lawn, shrubs, tress, and bedding plants regulary to take advantage of your watering schedule. Overwatering will NOT help "Green up" plants. Overwatering can lead to chlorotic plants or excessive yellowing or Root Rot.

Fertilizing reguarly as needed takes advantage of water your are applying. IT also keeps blooming plants blooming longer and resists insect and or diseases.

Fertilize Mexican Elders during this time of the year. This will help before it goes into the summer dormancy. Use a good all purpose fetilizer such as 16-8-8 with iron and sulphur. It can also be used on other trees, shrubs and lawns.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

Paul Guzman is the author of the above article. He is the Manager for Guzman's Greenhouse located in Las Cruces, New Mexico. You can reach him for any questions or comments at: mgr@guzmansgreenhouse.com You can also view it online at: www.guzmansgreenhouse.com/seasons/maygardentips.htm You are welcomed to use this artricle on your website, ezine or newsletter as long as this resource box and guzmansgreenhouse.com website is included.