What Role Do Compliance and Risk Have in Small Business?

What do Risk Management and Compliance have to do with Small or Home-based businesses. Take for example the typical web site owner who sells several products on their site. What Compliance issues do they face? Plenty! Is this web site owner compliant with the FTC? If the products are information based and they claim income estimates they fall under the rule of "Forward Looking Statements," a rule developed for the stock trading industry. If you offer such products you should be aware that the FTC does not look kindly upon wild claims of making a fortune or how to make $5,000 a day.

In essence what I'm saying is that you need to be your own Risk Manager and Compliance Officer and evaluate each affiliate's product claims. Honest salesmanship will and should always be the mainstay of how we conduct ourselves and our web site businesses. I'm sure that many of you have seen many abuses of the advertising medium on the Internet. While I do not consider myself na