Slaughterhouse Ethics

In a village, there was a slaughterhouse, its owner, butchers and many goats. As time passed the number of goats increased in the slaughterhouse but number of butchers was same.

The owner thought instead of looking for new butchers, lets make one of the goat a butcher. He had a doubt in his mind that a goat might not fit into butchers role, but then he thought "Lets take a chance and see how it goes. If this experiment succeeds I can make other goats a butcher."

The owner picked one wise goat and told him, "I want to make you a butcher, are you ready for this?". Wise goat thought this is a good opportunity and said, "Yes."

Next day the Wise goat came dressed like a butcher. As per rotation policy, it was turn of a goat who was the best friend of the wise goat to get slaughtered. The wise goat grabbed his best friend with a knife in hand.

All other goats cried, "Wise goat, you are one of us, how can you do this. Don't you have any ethics?"

"I am a butcher now, and to slaughter goats is my role. When I have a role to play I don't care about ethics and emotions.", wise goat replied and slaughtered his friend.

I believe if you are a faint hearted goat, don't become a butcher. Once you become butcher be ready to slaughter any goat.

If you were in place of the wise goat what would have you done?

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A Simple Person trying to understand this complex world.
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I see this world with eyes of a curious child, In my mind questions gallore, All why's and how's I want to explore , My Blog is about my endless curiosity, The way I see the world, I am not an expert, neither wise nor gifted, I am The Ignorant, a curious child.