What Is Radar And How Does It Affect Your Driving?

We have all heard of the term 'radar' but we rarely ask ourselves what radar really means? What are its uses? And what is the purpose of it?

Radar is a short form for 'radio detection and ranging'. It is a remote detection process which is used to trace and identify objects.

Radar can determine the distance, speed, direction of motion and shape of an object. The radar can identify objects even if it is out of sight. It can also work in all kinds of weather conditions which made this an essential tool for many industries.

This device is used in navigation in the sea and air, helps in detecting military forces and also helps improve traffic safety. Radar has also become a very important tool for every policeman because they can easily catch a speeding motorist by only using radar detector.

But how do these radar detectors work?

In order to work the radar system is composed of four very important components. These are the transmitter, the antenna, the receiver, and the display.