Winterberry Holly 'Winter Red'

When most people think of a holly, the traditional Christmas holly comes to mind. However, there are far more options now available to gardeners that can add much welcomed color throughout the winter months. This week we are featuring one of our favorite hollies, the 'Winter Red.'

Liven Your Winter Landscape
Winterberry 'Winter Red' is a multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that will mature into a lovely rounded shape. The vibrant green foliage will cover your 'Winter Red' from spring until fall when it will then turn a glimmering bronze, then yellow and then fall to the ground. The falling leaves make way for a show of clusters of brilliant red berries clinging to every stem, bringing delightful color to normally dreary winter landscapes and providing food for neighborhood birds. The stems can also be cut and kept in a vase with no water for months - imagine how beautiful that will look on your mantel or as a centerpiece!

Hollies are normally associated with moist areas, but the 'Winter Red' is very hardy and will thrive in normal soil. Choose an area that receives full sun to part shade and watch it thrive. You can expect your 'Winter Red' to mature to a height of 6 to 7 feet tall. 'Winter Red' is deciduous, so a male holly is needed for pollination. The most reliable pollinator that we have found is Ilex verticillata 'Southern Gentleman', another choice holly. Plant at least one male for each three or four females.

Planting and Care

Click here to view 'Winter Red' on the Carroll Gardens website.