Stirring Up Cape Town's City Bowl

For the discerning traveller to the Cape who would like to explore Cape Town's City Bowl, here are a few suggestions. Remember, Cape Town bears two distinct faces, a mask worn by day and a mask worn by night. Whichever one you choose, this article will provide you with a few hints on how, when and where to explore the city bowl, whether by day or by night.

The City Bowl by Day:

Pan African Market

Now that the subject of masks has been broached, the discerning traveller to the Cape may want to experience the full range of African facades. If this is the case, you need go no further than the Pan African Market. Located in a national monument on historic Long Street, one could easily walk to this destination and most rented taxis know exactly where Long Street is situated. Drop by the market on any day of the week and they should be open, although there are certain occasions when they may be closed due to certain religious observances.

Well worth a visit, it literally looks as though the contents of this shop sprang straight out of the pages of