Positions in Time Management

What are our positions in time management? Time management is the process of planning to reach a goal, and finding a solution that helps us to reach that goal. This article should be relatively short, since the words above should be more than obvious. YOU are the main position in time management. However, we must consider all positions in time management to construct a plan that works best for you. Every one of us has a deadline to meet a specific task (s).

Your position then is to get those tasks finished, bring in you one-step closer to your goal. If you are wasting time sifting through papers, or daydreaming, you are wasting energy, money and time that could be spent in your time management plan to achieve your goal. After carefully study clutter, I estimated it takes around 10-15 minutes to clean up the desk, while it takes about 30 minutes to find papers that are important to achieving goals.

Sloppiness is a sign of irresponsibility, and it only wastes time, promotes negative thinking, and costs money. If you work at a desk, and most of your tasks are handled on a computer, then it takes a few minutes to backup your data and store it in a safe place. It takes years to recover what you have not backed up. In addition, if you are labeling your files accurately it takes less time to find a file in demand, and takes longer to find the file that was incorrectly labeled.

Are you spending quality time with your family, or is your time idling? One hour of your time each day can save you money and time. If you are not spending quality time with your family, factor in the expense of divorce, heartaches, time, and other elements when those days comes and deduct the loss in your time management scheme. In some cases, you can calculate the expenses of court costs when your children decide dad or mom is not enough, and they need attention lacking so they get major attention after committing a crime. Let reality sink in when you are diverting a plan to manage your time, reaching your goal. There are many positions in managing time, but for the most part your effort is the position that requires consistency.

School is important and a vital requirement to managing time, since it is a resource to reaching goals. When you are at school your position in this time management scheme is to DO your homework on time and study accordingly. If you are daydreaming in class, remember it is a dream toward a past that was never achieved to reach the dream. If you are procrastinating, your position is lost. Procrastination is the process of intentionally and habitually putting off responsibilities, and when we put off responsibilities our position in achieving those goals is sitting in a seat in someone else