Word Processing Office Suite

You need to have a word processor period. Each and every computer user needs one. It is like sugar in the pantry, you just have to have it on hand. At least I have never in my over Ten years in the I.T. field met some one that did not need a word processor at one time or another. But might I digress, this article is not to convince you you need a word processor, it is to show you how to get a Free Microsoft Office.

If you are like most people you are using Microsoft's Windows Operating system. And you have a word processor called WordPad installed on your PC.

Where is it? Start Menu : Programs : Accessories: WordPad

What does it do? Not much. It will allow you to type a document and format it with some basic formating such as Font, Style, Paragraph settings, etc. Very basic rudimentary functions. It doesn't have spell check or a thesaurus, tables support, extended image functions. In short it is a wimpy, light weight text editor but not a full fledged word processor. WordPad is included with Microsoft's Windows Operating system, so it is not free. The most important thing to note is that it is just a text editor, and not a full Office suite of applications. That is to say it does not come with spreadsheet, drawing, HTML, Database, Presentation functions. For that you will need some thing like Microsoft Office Professional.

Hands down Microsoft Office is the most widely used office suite of applications used in the world. But Microsoft Office and or Microsoft Office Professional does not come with Windows. Some times your new PC will ship with Free Microsoft Office 2003 with a 60