Our Children Need Recess, Recess Needs You!

A study released March 13th by the National Parent teacher Association, indicates that 40% of our schools have eliminated recess or are considering doing so. I'm sorry but that is the worst idea I've heard in a very long time ! This is their suggestion when more, and more of our children are dangerously obese ? Inactivity due to computers, video games, tv etc. is a prime contributor to our youth obesity epidemic. We should be encouraging our children to get up, and move around during the day, not the other way around.

Its also just as good for our children to have a chance to clear their heads as it is for us adults. Let's face it, going to school is just as much "work" as what we do. Or at least when done right it should be. The brain needs time to recycle, and recharge throughout the day. According to at least one study, children who have recess are more on-task and less fidgety in the classroom. Hyperactive children benefit the most.

Two things are being blamed, budget cuts, and the need to meet higher educational standards. I am all for getting the most out of our tax dollars. I am without a doubt in favor of meaningful standards in our schools. However if our nation's school districts need to balance budgets, or find additional instructional time, they need to find a much less destructive way of doing it.

Parents are and should be the final deciding authority when it comes to our children. Ending recess is not what the parents of this country want !

Fortunately War is about to be waged on behalf of recess. A multi-year campaign called Rescue Recess is on the way. The campaign is backed by groups that include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Cartoon Network, and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

Rescue Recess, and recess itself deserves our full, aggressive support. Parents, and all adults who care about children need to write their state and local boards of education. We need to bring the heat up, and keep it going. For our children, let the battle for recess begin today !

Robert A. Crutchfield is a minister, public speaker, and success/relationships coach. He is a life member of the Republican National Committee. From 1994-1996 he was Chairman of the Republican Party, for the Sixth State Senate District of Texas. He also operates Crutchfield's Soapbox, a blog located at http://www.crutchfieldssoapbox.cjb.net.