MLM Training - How Your Facial Expression Can Win Over or Turn Off Prospects

Ever wonder what you look like from someone else's perspective?

It's an interesting thing to ponder because several times when I've trained someone in communication I've had to show them with a mirror what their face looks like. The very second they see themselves in the mirror they immediately CHANGE THEIR FACIAL EXPRESSION. What do they change it to? The way they think they look to everyone. Very often how they look versus how they think they look is very different.

If you're one of those who love to people-watch, the funniest people-watching situation is when you can sit near a mirror and watch people...look at themselves. It certainly would have made a great Candid Camera skit.

The reason I bring this up is that I'm continuing the series on How You Say It, which is a series of communication qualities that teaches you what to say and how you say it.

In the first article I discussed the first thing you say to your prospect; in the next article I covered don't be distracted by anything; and now, in this discussion I