Doggin' Saratoga National Historic Park: Hike With Your Dog At The Turning Point Of The Revolution

Saratoga National Historic Park preserves 3200 acres of battlefield where American Revolutionaries, behind General Horation Gates, prevent-ed British control of the Hudson River in the Fall of 1777. In two battles three weeks apart the British suffered 1,000 casualties and General John Burgoyne, awaiting reinforcements that never arrived, was forced to surrender 6,000 men.

By thwarting the British initiative to split the Colonies in half, the Americans went a long way towards gaining their independence. Saratoga is one of the most famous and influential battlefields in the world and the National Park Service maintains the ground much as it looked in 1777.

The dog-friendly Wilkinson-National Recreation Trail is a 4.2-mile loop across the property, much of which was farmland during the Revolution. The trail is named for the lieutenant who drew maps of the Saratoga Battlefield in 1777. Save for a single dip into the Great Ravine, this is easy canine hiking across rolling grasslands with islands of airy deciduous woods.

You hike with your dog on the roads British troops took to and from the two battles. Interpretive stops include British and German redoubts (outlined in red and white posts). The .6-mile Freeman Loop visits the sit of some of the fiercest fighting on John Freeman