Do Eclipses and Full Moons Add to Earthquake Risk?

Some cultures believe that full moons and eclipses and especially the latter cause Earthquakes. Is it rumor, folklore or superstition, which causes this belief? Hard to say, yet the facts, times and dates of Full Moons and Eclipses seems to indicate that they may indeed be somewhat connected? Could it be possible?

Well, we know that the Moon causes our tides and water weighs 8.2 pounds per gallon and with huge amounts of water movement in our ocean it is indeed possible for a small variation, which could cause tectonic plate movements. But would it be enough to cause or trigger a seismic event? Could be. How so you ask?

Well consider a tectonic plate, which is on the verge of slipping already; it would only need a small trigger to cause it right? And also consider a Full Moon, Eclipse combination scenario. Does that ever happen? Indeed it does although it is rare. In this case you could have a Full Moon affect then no affect during the eclipse and then a complete shift back again. Now that is a double shift right? Full tilt each way? Well in this case there could be a more potential of a trigger event for those tectonic plates, which are already on the verge of a seismic shift you see? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

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