Should Parents Worry About Kids Poking Their Eyes Out Because Of This Site?

I had to pull electric hair clippers out of my 7 year old son's hands a week ago. He was chasing around his big brother, crying because my 12 year old son cut a big patch of hair out of his head. Its times like these that make me doubt the power of "time out" and "go sit in the corner" type punishments! Without thinking I jerked my 12 year old son and started screaming at the top of my lungs at him. He was so scared that he immediately coughed up this site that "told him to do it".

I was in complete shock for about a minute or so running on cruise control. I don't know how I got to this site, I was just so terribly shaken up. I just kept seeing my son lying on a hospital bed unable to see because some kid came to this site and thought it was a good idea to start pulling "pranks" on his friends. What kind of prank site is this? advocates people basically running at each other with hair clippers.

You're supposed to cut a big bald spot in someone else's hair. I know that doesn't sound that bad but it could lead to much worse. Sure it's ok when it's one kid or two kids but on the World Wide Web something like this could catch on.

Then it's 1,000,000 kids all pulling "pranks". With numbers like that your bound to get at least 100 or so people who are severely injured by these pranks. I haven't even begun to start on all the kids that could have severe mental damage because bullies start bringing clippers to school to use to pick on kids.

I tried to get the guy to take the site down offering him $100 but he declined the offer. He told me that he planned on putting up google ads once the site started getting more traffic and he's already doing traffic exchanges with other sites. If he ever does put up google ads I will be the first person petitioning google to cancel his ads! I mean he doesn't need money. He can run a paper route or do like I did when I was his age. Be poor!

I mean really what kind of little jerk thinks up stuff like this.

So what am I going to I do about it? I've decided to make my own blog to keep everybody up-to-date with what I'm trying to do to get this site taken down.
Shut Down! | Check out Child Safety a good site! I want Hair Loss Intended Shut down!