Toasters: Use It Like You Hate It, But It Does Its Job

For most people, toasters are as basic as breakfast, as elemental as a wedding present, as common as stoves and as cheap as $20. Yet the humble bread toaster maybe one of the most abused, beguiled or unused kitchen tool depending on where you are coming from.

As wedding presents, I use to think that bread toasters and wedding presents are almost synonymous. They are the most popular presents for newlyweds (at least to those who refuse to examine the wedding registry) that it is not far fetched that one finds several bread toasters in the packages. In these cases, bread toasters are either recycled as presents to another newlywed or relegated into the attic unused and better not remembered until the current bread toaster breaks up. Then the reserve in the attic starts finding its use and popular place in the kitchen.

When it does, it becomes a very useful tool for preparing breakfasts and snacks, popping up hot toasts to warm hungry tummy