How to Become an Obnoxious Salesperson in 3 Easy Steps

As many of us know, an obnoxious salesperson is hard to take. Nevertheless, we sometimes fall into this trap. To save the world from this crisis, here are ways we can become the worst at what we do. Maybe if we know what NOT to do, we can avoid these signs of obnoxiousness. The habits are easy to develop and we can all use reminders. The fastest way to fall into this trap is to think of YOU. It is that simple, just become self-centered and care only about your problems.

Three easy steps

Lets review three simple ways we can become the obnoxious salesperson who stops in or calls every once in a while. You know who we are talking about. If we are not careful, we can develop the traits of an obnoxious salesperson.

Step One: Develop an