All Children Left Behind

The U.S. educational system was dysfunctional fifty years ago, due in no small part to the desires and manipulations of government. In fifty years it has only become worse for the same reasons. I can hear the echoes. We need scientists, mathematicians and more teachers if we are going to compete in a global economy. And what pray tell, would we need if we were going to cooperate in a global economy? We would need scientists, mathematicians, teachers, artists, tradespersons and craftspersons. But who can afford all that? No, we must decide on what is important and teach to that. Never mind the natural inclinations, abilities or talents of the individual children. America is not about individuals. America is about national pride. America is about money and power and imposing its will. We need children to grow up and carry on this fine tradition. And almost all the people say amen.

When the statists weight education, public and private, pretending to know what we will need in twenty years, while they can