Women Who Date the Clasic Bad Boy, Pinocchio! (Part One)

Now some men may be six feet tall, own a platinum card, retain a drivers license, able to die for our country, and saddle up to the bar stool legally; but it does not guarantee that they are and adult. These are owls and crows with degrees. Or Monkeys with wigs. Then others are more like Pinocchio falling from addiction, to abuse, and prison.

In some cases, they are not even adolescent yet. But still boys waiting for the maturity of puberty to come on.

My advice to you women who are dating them, jump ship!

If you stay with them, here is the fairy Tale to save them that has been in the movie AI and saving nemo. But maybe after this story you will not.


Now Geppetto wanted a son. But he was not ready yet to raise one because his temper was great. He was not taught enough by his own parents example to be a fine parent. But he made a son anyway.

Now like father like son, Pinocchio was a rascal like his old man. Which made things worse for him. For every time Pinocchio got in trouble, it reminded Geppetto of the shame and trouble he brought his own father. This only made him more angry at Pinocchio. Once out in public, Geppetto was seen thrashing Pinocchio. Which he was sent to prison for.

During this time Pinocchio raised himself. He took to doing everything he wanted to. Jumping through brooks, through dales, and fields. Always watching out for the police who was after him originally on the day they arrested Geppetto.

One day Pinocchio returns home to find a Cricket talking to him. This Cricket has lived in the house for a hundred years. He warns Pinocchio if he does not learn to earn a keep by hand and mind he would turn into an ass. So Pinocchio throws a hammer at him and kills him.

This Cricket was a minute version of Merlin. The old sage that lives in our mind. Also these can be external real people who speak outward of what we know we should be doing. It is like the angel on the shoulder who gets knocked off for the promises of fun and easy pursuits by the devil on the other. But they are both our friends who come to us in our youth. Like Merlin advising Arthur before he pulls the sword of adulthood and direction from the stone, the Cricket had came to teach this boy how to be a good King of his own life.

This begins the long arduous road to redemption for Pinocchio. He becomes like many believing that the devils path of denial and ease will bring him to heaven. But the devil will be his friend. Like his father, Pinocchio will find himself in prison in time too.

So Pinocchio with no trade or eduction finds himself hungry in his house alone. Except for a single egg in the corner. He cracks it open to cook an omelet. But a Chick flies out and thanks him for his help and flies away.

The egg is the symbol of the soul, and his is cracked. The chick, like at easter, is the resurrection of our redemption into better people. Which is far from coming for our little Pinocchio. This is the first of many bird references within the story. Alchemy which is the spiritual practice of turning the lead of your soul into gold is referred by many as the Secret language of Birds.

Giving up for the night, Pinocchio falls asleep with his feet on the foot warmer he hoped to cook the omelet on. Being made out of wood, he woke in the morning to find his feet burned off. The feet is the symbol of parental foundation, which he has none.

Geppetto is released from Prison that morning to find his son alone in the house. Geppetto has no key to get in and calls to Pinocchio. But Pinocchio can not make it to the door. He is reluctant to let the father back in. But Geppetto makes his way in through the window and is feeling great guilt over leaving Pinocchio to raise himself he ignores his son refusal to let him in and promises to make him new feet. He also gives Pinocchio his only three pears and starves himself. Pinocchio eats them all without sharing any.

Pinocchio is so grateful for the pears that he promises to go to school and become a good boy. So Geppetto sells his only coat, being an old thin man cost him much, so Pinocchio can buy an ABC book. But before Pinocchio can buy such a book, he spends his money on a puppet show.

At the puppet show the puppets treat him like a brother. But the puppet master finds him and wants to use him as firewood to cook his meal on. Pinocchio talks his way out of it, but the puppet master calls for Harlequin to be placed on the fire instead. But Pinocchio pleads for his new found brothers life and saves him. For his kindness, the Puppet master gives Pinocchio five gold coins for his poor father without a coat.

Pinocchio means well. He has shown compassion for his brother, but society is a mean mistress. Far worse than any lover nature pretended to be with her storms and famines. For society is filled with cats and foxes waiting to prey on your desires and weaknesses.

Pinocchio is enticed by a fox missing its paw and a blind cat. Enticed in believing that beyond the Town of Simple Simons lay a field. A field that is so magical it is called the field of Wonders. That if anyone was to place a gold coin buried within it, it would sow thousands in its place by morning.

A bird tries to warn Pinocchio about this bluff, but he is snatched out of mid air by this blind cat and eaten for his troubles. Instinct is overcome by greed.

So Pinocchio journeys on with his new found friends a short distance to this field. The devil promised a short cut, but as Pinocchio finds that the devil