Definition of Resolution

Resolution can be defined as the number of pixels that, constellated together, form an image or a photograph. Pixels are small points on the image that can have various colors. Digital photography uses pixels to create photos. Image sizes in photography are measured by the number of pixels in width and depth. The measurement is generally determined as resolution. Computer screens use the same measurements as digital photography. Most typical are sizes such as 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 960, 1280 x 1024, and so on.

The general thing about digital photography is the number of pixels. Different resolution makes for different images. The more pixels an image has, the more elaborate it is. Details depend on the number of pixels. But bigger resolution also means bigger image file size and larger print size. This may cause some difficulties if you are trying to print the image by yourself. Larger file formats also cause trouble when sending files via email: some email accounts have specific space and your attached files are too large to be received. Despite this, people prefer resolution with greater number of pixels. The picture looks much more realistic when more pixels construct it. It is the same as in the puzzle game: the more pieces a puzzle has, the more complex it looks. Pixels give additional shades and nuances because they can take different colors, so the image looks as real as possible.
