Free Sample Donation Thank-You Letter for Fundraising Gift or Contribution

The most important letter in direct mail fundraising never aks for a donation. Thank-you letters increase donor loyalty, strengthen relationships and increase your chances of receiving more gifts in the future, including major gifts and legacy gifts.

But only if you get them right.

Direct mail fundraising is about relationships, not revenue. The only way to generate sustainable income through the mail is to thank donors promptly, personally, particularly and positively.

Here is a sample donation thank-you letter.

Friday, January 16, 2006

Samantha Yordvick 363 Blandon Crescent Tulsa, OK 19188

Dear Samantha:

This is just a quick note, but it comes from my heart to yours as I head out the door for my flight to Bombay.

Thank you for your very kind gift of $100, which we received today. Your generosity will make an immediate difference in the lives of mothers in Calcutta. I