Stop Hair Loss - Dog Toes Made It Happen for the Queen

Okay, here is a powerful formula to stop hair loss, although it might be rather difficult to gather the necessary ingredients.

It came from the treasured Papyrus Embers, written down in 1500 BC. The treatment was initially prepared for Ses, the mother of his Majesty the King of Upper and Lower Egypt. The King was Teta, and he was deceased at the time of this stellar concoction:

Rufuse of Dates
Hoof of an Ass
Blood from the neck of the Gabgu Bird.

Put in real balsam and rub therewith.

This formula must have worked quite well. Who are we to doubt it? Skepticism is not the healthiest frame of mind. When you are looking for a solution to stop your hair loss, progressive thinking will lead to the best solutions, which thankfully will be without dog toes.

A few centuries went by after Ses and Teta were entombed. And in 400 BC, in Greece, Hippocrates, the Father of modern medicine, began to treat hair loss with a strange mixture. He ground cumin with pigeon droppings. He ground horseradish and beetroots and nettles. This was applied to remedy hair loss. At the same time, on the other side of the world, in China, roots were being used successfully in preventing hair loss. To this day, the herb of Nettles is used in hair loss formulas and oral prescriptions based in Traditional Chinese medicine.

The pigeon droppings have not been used since, but Hippocrates was on the right track.

And then came a major breakthrough in the diagnosis of hair loss and male pattern baldness with the advent of the Eunuch. It was in the Middle Ages, when strange things were done to little boys to keep their singing voices high and their customer service skills paramount. They made better servants without a sex drive, so they were