Video and Camera Cell Phone Issues

Video and Camera Cell Phones are some of the latest gadgets in the personal tech world. But they do not come without both pluses and minuses for society. For instance if some is committing a crime a teenager can get a picture of their license plates. But another teenager might use it unwisely to take a picture of a girl up her skirt without her knowledge. Or a criminal might use it to photograph your credit card in a store and steal the number and use it for identity theft?

On Congressman is introducing a bill and hoping to make a law against the use of this technology in any criminal act. It is interesting that politicians would create legal penalties for use of technology in a crime when the crime is already illegal. Sometimes it seems to me that these podium pusher lawmakers are scoundrels, as every time someone has an issue they stand up and claim they are going to solve the problem by making another law.

Like after 9-11 one Congressman from IL said the dumbest thing; he said we need a law to prevent this from ever happening again and he proposed that flying an aircraft into a building by International Terrorists be made illegal! I could not believe what I was hearing, it is already illegal to hijack a plane and the FAA says you must park aircraft at aviation facilities and that would preclude parking it into a building and killing innocent people. Not to mention International Acts of Terrorism are already illegal?

Technology can be used in good and bad ways and one think tanker in an online think tank stated;