Mind Your (Movie) Manners

What do you think of this storyline? A polite couple waits patiently to buy movie tickets and concessions, and then finds empty seats in the auditorium a few rows away from others. They laugh and cry with the audience at all the right times, eat their snacks quietly, then pick up their trash at the end of the film and go home. If only real-life movie theater experiences had such happy endings!

Actually movie theaters often bring out the worst behavior in people because they falsely believe that the cloak of darkness grants them anonymity and immunity. They may talk too loudly (and too often), block your view with hats, hair, or height, or sit behind you in order to kick your chair or prop their smelly feet a few inches from your face.

The ultimate movie theater rudeness, however, is when someone sits right in front of you in an otherwise empty auditorium. Even with stadium seating that staggers seat heights, this aggressive act is clearly a power struggle, a challenge to see if they can get you to move to another seat.

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